Product Line Additions for BRILLIANT Brand

We are proud to have received approval and our first order for two line extensions to the BRILLIANT Professional Laundry Solutions brand.  These are Oxygen Bleach and Chlorine Bleach products suitable for the nursing home sector.  This is where our first shipment is headed. Miele will continue to be our distributor for these additions.  The first nursing home customer is a member of a chain with 200 locations. It is a pattern of alcohol use that is destructive, using alcohol longer than you planned discount pharmacy viagra or having troubles with the reduction of using it. I just see it as a price tadalafil tablets bad idea. The condition is defined as an inability purchasing viagra to have an orgasm. For illustration, cheapest viagra no prescription take up a new past time, work a crossword puzzle, read a novel, take action, something that uses up your brain.  This is the first outlet in that chain to convert to the Miele/BRILLIANT combination.  The head office of that chain will be following developments there with great interest.  Institutional clients do not switch systems without careful consideration.  We are honoured to have earned this opportunity.


Picture - Winning Brands BRILLIANT Line Extensions

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