How many times today?

One of the reasons that Winning Colours Stain Remover has a bright future is that the problems that Winning Colours solves occur so often, in so many places.  The demand for clean-ups is a self-regenerating market, continuously re-appearing and renewing itself as spills and messes just keep coming.  How many times today from coast-to-coast will an unexpected nasty something happen?  100,000 times?  1,000,000 times?

In the Lowe’s Home Improvement Store in Steubenville, Ohio, yesterday, as the in-store demonstrations to shoppers of Winning Colours were wrapping up, a typical incident occured.  It symbolizes the point that you just never know when it’s going to happen. No one is exempt from drips, drops and disasters.  Let’s have Scup tell it in his own words:

  • Yesterday at Steubenville, Ohio we where just packing up and ready to leave.  Our demo table was set up right in front of the paint desk.  A few women were watching us do the demos and asked some questions while they where waiting for their paint order.   They had a couple of young girls with them no older than 2-3 years old .  They walked away when their paint was ready and our backs were turned almost ready to leave.   Then we heard one woman say “OH NO!!!”   You see, her paint can had excess paint on it and it got on her baby’s purple coat.  Well,  this woman was not happy.  She wondered out loud  “How am I going to get this paint off my baby’s coat?”   My wife (who was with me)  quickly told the customer that we can get it off for her if she doesn’t mind us getting the coat a little bit wet because Winning Colors uses water to help with the removal of the stain.  The customer said “… of course if you can get the paint off the coat!”    Well my wife and I removed the stain, PLUS another stain which was on the coat.  The mother was very happy and pleasantly surprised.  While this was going on other people where watching at the check out lines.  Well , this mother left with a quart and her friend left with a 4 oz bottle as well.

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It’s no wonder that the Lowe’s Store in Ohio has already placed their first
replenishment order for more Winning Colours Stain Remover… 

Look familiar? Whether in Steubenville or Sacramento, Scarsdale or Savannah - stuff happens, constantly.

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