Passed Municipal Field Test Today!

Municipal workers are reporting success in field testing of Winning Colours 1000+ Stain Remover  on the applications which Winning Brands has been targeting.  The photos below, taken today, document the process, organized by Winning Brands Product Training Director, Lorne Kelly.

The road signs application is important to Winning Brands because the signs are standardized throughout North America, and much of the world.   Vandalism of the type shown is an issue in any major jurisdiction.  A simple solution is very helpful.

The municipal works participating in this testing appreciate the fact that no gloves are required, that ordinary tools can be used (eg scrub sponge and water), the run-off can fall on the grass/pavement, that very little special instruction/training is required and that a clean-up of this kind is by far more cost effective and less time consuming than replacement, even for signs that have a printed overlay.

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