Shareholder Question: DTC


  • Since we are on that topic, would you mind providing an update to the community on where we are with un-blocking WNBD from being traded with the big platforms.

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I will admit to frustration in obtaining follow-through on actions that were said to be forthcoming from counterparts on the other side of the issue.  Winning Brands remains committed to a professional, engaged collaboration in this matter, and does not view it as a “legal” issue.  Instead, we understand it to be technical issue.  We have been given to understand that if we do “X” then “Y” will happen.  “X” has been done.  We are seeking the result that was indicated would follow.  If DTC revises its position on certificate deposits, then TD Ameritrade will simply revert to prior status.  I assure shareholders that the matter is an operational priority.

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