Shareholder Correspondence: Norway

We have permission from a shareholder in Norway to share his testimonial, received today from Europe:

it is good to be able to give feedback on on such a great product. Feel free to use the info and pictures to inform others.  I live in Norway and have tried to get some bottles of 1000+ for a while. When it was announced that Repair Products Ltd (in England) was selling it I bought 3 bottles since they send it world wide. In December last year I have my new windows installed in my apartment and the window installers used insulation foam around the windows. When they used it the have a little accident and some foam landed on the floor. Since this stuff is very sticky they it is very difficult to get off. They had a spray bottle of some stuff they took it away with. They said that this foam is imposible to get off without the stuff they used. It smelled so strong that i could almost feel my braincells disapear.   After they was finish and left i found some footprints on the floor and it was because one of the workers have stepped into the foam they spilled earlier. It was not possible to clean of. I did not do many attempt to get rid of it because i thought to my selves that this must be interesting to use 1000+ on. Since i was not able to get 1000+ until now 3 1/2 months after the spill it must be hard to get it of. I put some 1000+ on all the stains and use both water and a brush on it. It took quite while to get it of. Since it was my first time using 1000 + it probably had something to do with my technique aswell using that long time. I have enclosed before and after picture. I have seen Scupscup used 1000+  in a video removing insulation foam but that was on fresh foam. A great product this is. Regards.

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