Shareholder Question: Share Count


Hello Eric, Please update OS & AS correspondence with us! Shares are continuously being sold, and I am not sure if folks are selling theirs or new shares are being issued.Please englighten since this R/S aftermath. We need to know if new shares are being issued…


Attached is the report of shares outstanding.  The authorized share count is being reduced by 90% to 500 Million as reported in the News Release dated April 24, 2013.

Shareholders should expect issuance of shares under the new lower ceiling as the firm settles obligations, proceeds with registration and implements the Modified Strategic Plan referred to in the 2012 Annual Report to increase sales later in the year through new methods and initiatives.  Operating deficits have been declining substantially each year, as illustrated below.  This means that more of the funds raised in future can be used to reduce liabilities.  If sales increase in the second half of 2013, the positive trend of deficit reduction will be accelerated. 

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