July 2013 archive
Jul 30
Share Count Update
Jul 28
Shareholder Question: Focus on 1000+
QUESTION: Eric, As a longtime shareholder I sometimes wonder why your so adamant about promoting our 1000+ when you have so many other products that we could sell and maybe start climbing out of the less than stellar sales numbers? ANSWER The focus has been on 1000+ Stain Remover, World’s Most Versatile Cleaning Solution, because the product …
Jul 23
Shareholder Question: Big Box Retailer
QUESTION “Eric, any progress on the talks with that big box retailer that were to have taken place in med July” ANSWER Also, the PDE5 inhibitor makes it by improving prescription du viagra the quality of blood flow to the main Physicalorgan. Though medications like cheap cialis and kamagra have been introduced into the market …
Jul 23
Thank you, Orgill. eDropShip Activation!
It’s great to have all of the internal workings in place at last for the eDropShip program activation. The significance of this development is that thousands of independent hardware stores for whom it would have been too complicated to order products from us have just had all the hassle stripped away. No more faxing handwritten orders, …
Jul 14
Audit Progress
At the time that we were starting the audit for the purpose of preparing the SEC registration process, we were notified that a Canada Revenue Agency audit would also take place. The decision was made to let one proceed after the other, rather than operate two simultaneously, and that the government audit should be You …
Jul 10
Shareholder Question: Present Status (Clarification)
QUESTION It appears the reverse split didn’t do much good at this point. I don’t believe this. How does someone as intelligent as yourself and with apparent business acumen continue to be unsuccessful wilth such a great product. I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel that isn’t visible at the …