Winning Brands has modified its copy equipment to include brochure printing and folding capacity in readiness for a systematic marketing initiative, the “Neighbourhood Mail” program.
Combining the flexibility of in-house printed matter design and production, we can for the first time customize neighbourhood support for retailers who carry our products. The photographs below show the start of the program, with launch of our first internal dedicated Brochure Printing Station. Also shown are sample front, middle and back panels of the launch brochures.
PHASE I: Starting in Canada first, the systems approach will be to identify the postal service letter carrier walks that service a prescribed radius of houses surrounding each participating retailer. The front panel of the brochure will localize the item by mentioning the city name (or neighbourhood), and the back panel of the brochure will be specific to that participating retailer. The postal service will deliver a prescribed number of bundles to the appropriate neighbourhood carrier walks anywhere in the country. The system is based on online planning tools which keep a record of which walks received support and when. This provides a basis to measure effectiveness.
The additional advantage of the internal design and production of support material, is that it can be season specific and tailored to suit the circumstances of the participating retailer in that particular location.
As we learn of the locations of stores who carry our product, whether they are independently owned or members of retail chains, we can create the material on our own initiative without delay in order to support them in the neighbourhood where they do business.
PHASE 2: QR Code and social media integration will be enhanced to take the program to the next level of building a larger online user community, and coordinating retailer promotions with an online element.
The advantage to Winning Brands shareholders of this initiative is that is is modest in cost, but scalable if the premise is successful. The systematic nature of this approach is consistent with the effort by Winning Brands to regain momentum in order to retire all obligations and achieve new success.
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