Winning Brands 1000+ Neighbourhood Mail: Practical Example of Retailer Support in Action

In an earlier post, I gave an example of our new Neighbourhood Mail brochure, designed to support retailers of 1000+ Stain Remover who are coming on board. Let’s examine the Vancouver example, to illustrate.

The store in our example is Lowe’s Home Improvement at 2727 E 12th Avenue in Vancouver. Below is a picture of the store. It is one of 6 Lowe’s locations in the greater Vancouver area.

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Lowes in Canada has made 1000+ Stain Remover available for consumers to check online for in-store availability at participating stores. Below is a picture of what that customer screen looks like. All 6 participating Lowe’s stores within 60 miles of Vancouver now have 1000+ in stock and on the shelf. Our example store is called Vancouver-Grandview. It is in the heart of the city. They have 15 bottles of our product on the shelf at the time of this report.

Winning Brands, equipped with this online confirmation for these Vancouver stores, can swing into action to support them by precision targeting distribution of our customized brochure via the letter carrier walks in the neighbourhoods immediately surrounding those stores. In our example, the brochure refers to Vancouver on the front and shows this particular retailer on the back, together with the 2727 E 12th Ave address and a QR code for an introductory video.

In this case, for the Vancouver-Grandview store at 2727 E 12th Ave, there are 24,000 households (houses, townhouses, apartments and condominiums) in a 1.25 mile radius (2 KM) around the store shown in the target zone shown below. The cost of delivering our introductory brochure, also shown in this post, is $4K, plus our internal printing cost. This would saturate the target zone and deliver maximum impact for the retailer.

Here’s the beautiful thing about our approach. It is not necessary to deliver to all these households at once. With our Precision Targeter strategy, we can narrow this down to suit available budget and other considerations.

So, beneath the first saturation zone map with all routes chosen, we also illustrate a single route, closest to the store. It has 713 households for only $120. That’s not as impactful as 24,000 households, but it permits neighbouring streets to be done on an “as possible” basis, systematically until saturation is ultimately achieved in the target zone. We keep careful records to catalogue which routes have been serviced, and advance methodically across the zone. Our Neighbourhood Mail campaign will be deployed in a number of communities. There are multiple variables to coordinate, financially and otherwise. Our program is well-organized.

There are advantages to performing multiple-location support on a slow and steady basis across our group of participating retailers simultaneously, rather than one huge spike that creates a short spurt of craziness in one location, followed by a lull. A measured, steady approach will suit the stores better in their inventory management at the store level. Also, by spreading this over time, but keeping it steady, the 1000+ brand develops a reputation at store level of continuous engagement, rather than “here today, gone tomorrow” marketing.

The B.C. lower mainland (Vancouver area) has millions of residents who are highly appreciative of positive environmental initiatives, including plastic waste reduction. Our new strategy to ramp-up use of 1000+ Stain Remover as a 20-bottle refill canister for a re-usable sprayer and general purpose cleaning is a good fit. This way of using 1000+ Stain Remover will be appealing to consumers in many cities in North America who would like to reduce their empty spray bottle waste by 95% AND save money in the process.

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