We characterize 1000+ as an artisan brand. That means that our product is provided by people who care, not by a “faceless” corporation and impersonal systems.
When customers call our office to thank Winning Brands for making a product that helps them in their everyday life – it’s a thrill. I am impressed with people who have such verve – reaching out and connecting with us in that positive way.
It is in this spirit, that I have introduced myself to the public with the video below, and by extension to the buyers in retail groups at RangeMe and beyond. In my I own words, I explain what sets 1000+ Stain Remover apart and why 1000+ is worth discovering. Even more than that, I explain why 1000+ is making a contribution to society by encouraging the “going re-usable” mindset.
We human beings are, after all, social creatures. Thank goodness. This means that we can be stronger together in pursuing worthwhile goals, and we take pleasure in sharing accomplishments too. Ideally in life, this also means that we help each other to overcome obstacles.
Whatever challenges 1000+ Stain Remover may encounter as an emergent brand, you now have a more personal perspective from me about why it matters that we succeed..
Eric Lehner, CEO
Winning Brands