September 19, 2010 archive

Lowes USA training for Winning Colours Stain Remover

Answer to shareholder question: QUESTION:  Hello Mr. Lehner, I am sure you are very busy as some exciting things are happening with Winning Brands.  I have one question for you – from reading your updates you noted once Lowes gets the first order of Winning Colors, training will start soon after.  Can you tell me, …

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New vapour barrier shrink wrap to be tested for Winning Colours 12-Paks

Shareholders will recall that Winning Brands is interested in supplying Winning Colours Stain Remover 12-Paks  to U.S. convenience stores.   The first attempt was through traditional distributors in Indianapolis and Cleveland, with 100 stores in each city having a display box installed under a Local 100 program.  Results were encouraging in so far that product was moving out …

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