Winning Colours Stain Remover: Club Pak Progressing

Attached below is a rendering of the latest iteration of the Winning Colours Club Pak.  This is designed for Club retailing environments, where larger than average sizes are sold. 

Shareholders know from our Conference Call (posted on the Winning Brands Investor Page) that we have received approval in principle from a well known name in that sector to test the configuration in a managable number of stores, possibly in California, subject to some final agreements on details.  We are not relying on this prospect only.  The configuration is a winner for many settings, and we will get this “out there” in due course.

This rendering will help shareholders to better understand the objective of the market positioning of this SKU within this sector, for starters.  The Club Pak contains a 135 fl. oz. container, custom labelled convenience sprayer with instructions for use on the back so that consumers know what’s in the sprayer (as compared to a plain bottle) and a suitable funnel to make dilution easy.  This configuration lets the product be used full strength where required, or make up to 100 bottles of diluted general purpose spray, whose performance is still premium quality. 

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Offering Winning Colours 135 fl.oz. as a Club Pak

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