Smart Ideas – The Quality of Initiative

You know, it’s a real joy to witness the growing “buzz” of activity around Joanna’s Customer Service station.  There is an increase in the sort of calls that reveal positive local connections are taking hold.  Here is a small example, but typical of the growth of activity amongst the emerging network of independent Winning Colours retailers.  It’s terrific when self-motivated people do positive things consistently, making success a natural outcome of good habits.

The Village Paint Supply store in Newburgh, New York received our custom designed counter display (with the carpet sample and blue paint stripe through the middle).  Designing it, getting it there and following-up to ensure that it’s doing its job was our part in the equation.  However, this is where the store took over.  They have now asked for a second unit because they’ve made an arrangement with the carpet store in the same plaza to install another Winning Colours counter display there.  The logic is clear – the carpet store is seeing people every day who have carpet issues, so their customers are a natural fit for carpet cleaning solutions that work.  By putting Winning Colours on display in their carpet store, and directing customers to pick it up next store in the paint retailer, the carpet store is doing its customers a service.  The paint store benefits as well of course.  Everyone wins, including most importantly, the consumer.  That initiative by the paint store and the courtesy of the carpet store has just doubled the exposure of Winning Colours on the strength of something as simple as a good idea.
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How many other examples of cooperation, large and small, known and unknown, are still ahead as Winning Colours gains traction?

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